Thursday, February 14, 2013

Twaddle Historic Ranch Paint-Out

Carol & Emma

It was a gorgeous day and warm enough in the sun to paint at the Historic Twaddle Ranch yesterday.  Carol, Emma and I had lots of views to choose from to paint - Emma did two paintings!

To get there:  From Reno, take the new 580 south, take the Bowers Mansion Turn-off, Turn left on Old US 395, about a mile past the Bowers Mansion, make a left turn on William Brent Road, then take the first left on Susan Lee Circle Road.  The old ranch property is on the right, next to Wilson Commons Park.
Me  (Carolyn)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Paint-Out to Hope Valley, and WHY I wasn't there!

Michael and Emma

While I was on a trip to Newport Beach, California for a week's vacation, Carol, Michael and Emma went to Hope Valley, California to paint!  I am so envious - I love that area.  But, there will be other times...
Carol's painting in progress

Friday, February 8, 2013

Lake Tahoe/Sand Harbor and top of Mt. Rose Hwy Paint-Out


Monika, Carol, Emma and I met at Sand Harbor/Lake Tahoe on the Nevada side, for a paint-out.  Carol and Emma were on the other side of the beach park, so I didn't get any photos of them.  (Carol just sent me her picture of her painting in progress - here it is:
Carol's rock study

My new oil painting set-up!
Since Monika and I had a head-start and finished our first paintings, we drove up to the top of Mt. Rose Hwy to the "Meadow" and painted.  Although the snow was icy and packed, I thought I'd try out my new gear that fits in a backpack and snow shoe out into the meadow - to see if I could do this....yep!  Passes the test!  I'll write about gear in another post.  I'm going to ask my friends to do a little description of their art gear for me so I can post their ideas too.

Paint-Out in Virginia City, Nevada

Sugar Loaf Mountain

Carol, Emma and I went to Virginia City to paint.  Emma set right up and started her piece, while Carol and I drove around and "scoped".  She later set up near the old train station, and I went on to check out 6-Mile Canyon - a road that goes down a canyon.

I took many pictures, but it was late in the day and I didn't paint.  Emma and Carol did not send me any paintings to post here, so this will be a Kodak-Moment post....of Virginia City in winter....